Daniel Hansson is the conductor of the university ensemble called Malmö Akademiska Kör (in English Malmö Academic Choir) based in the city of Malmö in Sweden (read more here about the ensamble and here about Daniel Hansson). He kindly answered my questions about last years celebrations of St. Lucia (theContinue Reading

Location: all around Sweden, processions usually organized by cities, schools, universities etc. (but in general is Saint Lucy’s day celebrated to a certain extent by other European countries as well). Date: the 13th of December Common names: Luciatåg (Sweden), Lussinatt (Norway), Luciadag (Denmark and Finland), Luutsinapäev (Estonia), Saint Lucy’s day, Lucia Day (English speaking countries).Continue Reading

Location: Roztoky (near Prague), Czech Republic Date: Saturday before Ash Wednesday, which is the beginning of Christian Lent period Description: Shrovetide in Roztoky consists primarily of the procession of masks that starts in the city and continues to find its peak on local hill called Holý vrch. This hummock servesContinue Reading

Location: Town of Hlinsko and six nearby villages in the Hlinecko area (Studnice, Vortová, Hamry, Blatno), Czech Republic Date: End of winter, during Shrovetide, which is the period just before the Christian Lent Description: Shrovetide (or the Pre-Lenten Season) is the Christian period of preparation before the liturgies of LentContinue Reading